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NACHA Rulebook

If your business is utilizing CBI Bank & Trust's ACH Origination Services, we would like to provide you with access to the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) rulebook.

The NACHA rules govern the proper use of the ACH network and a new rulebook is published each January.

To gain free access to the rulebook, please register on the NACHA website as a basic user at and follow the steps below. If you are returning user, click on “User Login” and sign in.


1)  Click on "New User Sign Up" to register and create a new account.Screenshot of NACHA New User Sign Up


Screenshot of NACHA Sign Up Form

 2)  Click on "Claim a Subscription" or "Claim another Subscription".

Screenshot of Claim a subscription

3)  Enter your email address and click "Continue".

Screenshot of claim a subscription

4)  Check the box "Check this box if you do not have a subscription code. you will receive access to only the basic version".

  • Enter all required information and click "Redeem" at the bottom of the screen.
  • After selecting "Redeem", you will be redirected to the home page to logon again in order to update your access.

Screenshot of NACHA Form

A basic user will have full access to a read-only copy of the NACHA Rulebook. The rulebook will help you answer any questions you may have regarding ACH files. The website will also provide you with updated rules and regulations as they become effective throughout the year.

As always, you may contact our Treasury Management Business Resource Center at (563) 262-3880 (Iowa) or (309) 344-2562 (Illinois) or email [email protected] at any time and they will assist you with any questions you may have about ACH files.